Recently I received a pulse sensor and immediately did a research on how to use it.
There are quite a lot of tutorials and articles about pulse sensors.
The most interesting article that I found is which use Arduino Uno and LCD I2C .
Since I use YwRobot Arduino LCM1602 IIC V1 LCD, I made a few modification on the code and I did not use potentiometer in this project.
Here is the connection between pulse sensor and Arduino Uno.
Pulse sensor <---> Arduino Uno
S <---> A0
+ <---> 5V
- <---> GND
For LCD I2C connection to Arduino Uno,
There are quite a lot of tutorials and articles about pulse sensors.
The most interesting article that I found is which use Arduino Uno and LCD I2C .
Since I use YwRobot Arduino LCM1602 IIC V1 LCD, I made a few modification on the code and I did not use potentiometer in this project.
Here is the connection between pulse sensor and Arduino Uno.
Pulse sensor <---> Arduino Uno
S <---> A0
+ <---> 5V
- <---> GND
For LCD I2C connection to Arduino Uno,
Hello, is it possible if you could send me the code that you used?
ReplyDeletehello , is possible if you code send me the code that you used gmail ? thank you
ReplyDeletehello , is possible if you code send me the code that you used gmail ? thank you
ReplyDeleteyou send me the code that use please....
ReplyDeletehello , is it possible if you code send me the code that you used? Thanks
ReplyDeletecode please?