Arduino UNO and LCD I2C display : Wires connection and basic code

Sometimes I forgot how to use LCD I2C whenever I want to use it in my projects. Two things I always forgot :-
1. Connection between Arduino Uno and LCD I2C
2. Basic code.
There are at least three versions of LCD I2C and I use the first version which marked YwRobot Arduino LCM1602 IIC V1 on it. 
Here are the wires connection between Arduino Uno and LCM1602 IIC V1 :-
Arduino Uno <---> LCM1602 IIC V1
GND <---> GND
5V <---> VCC
A4 <---> SDA
A5 <---> SDL

The library which is written by Francisco Malpartida ( can be downloaded here :-

Details and code of LCD I2C can be found here :-

Back of LCD I2C
